by progadmin | Mar 25, 2010 | Microsoft, Opinion
I met with a potential client. They have a very specialized business that involves analyzing data on hard drives. The data can take many forms and so they have a multitude of software tools that assist in compiling information. And like most businesses, they have a...
by progadmin | Oct 21, 2009 | Opinion
An opinion from my good friend, Kevin Tiahrt… I thought I would throw out my two cents on the release of Windows 7. It is tomorrow, October 22. I have been working with it for the past few months and think that it is 90% better overall than Windows Vista. I will...
by progadmin | May 23, 2008 | Opinion, Solutions
Is it me? I hate Outlook. The interface is horrible. The application is under constant attack. Using it just plain scares me. I know that if I use Outlook that I am going to be way more vulnerable to a virus attack. So, about two years ago I stopped using Outlook. I...