In the digital age, reliable and high-speed internet connectivity is essential for businesses, educational institutions, and public spaces. One of the critical components in achieving seamless connectivity is the installation of WiFi Access Points (APs). At Progressive Office Cabling, our skilled technicians play a vital role in ensuring that your network infrastructure is optimized for peak performance. This blog explores the detailed process that our technicians follow to install WiFi AP devices, emphasizing its importance for commercial clients in Atlanta.

Comprehensive Site Survey and Planning

The foundation of a successful WiFi AP installation begins with a comprehensive site survey and meticulous planning. This stage is crucial for understanding the unique requirements of each commercial space in Atlanta. Our technicians perform the following steps:

  • Assessing the Environment: Technicians evaluate the physical layout of the space, including walls, furniture, and other potential obstructions that could affect signal strength.
  • Identifying Interference Sources: They identify existing sources of interference, such as other wireless networks, electronic devices, and physical barriers, to determine the optimal placement of APs.
  • Determining Coverage Areas: They define the specific areas that require coverage, ensuring that every corner of the commercial space receives a strong and consistent signal.

Strategic Placement of Access Points

The placement of WiFi APs is a critical factor in achieving optimal network performance. Our technicians use advanced tools and techniques to determine the best locations for AP installation:

  • Heat Mapping: Using heat map software, they visualize the signal strength and coverage areas to identify the ideal spots for APs.
  • AP Density Planning: They decide on the number of APs needed based on the size of the space and the expected number of users, ensuring that there is no overcrowding of devices on a single AP.
  • Future-Proofing: They plan for future scalability, considering the potential growth of the business and the need for additional devices.

Installation and Configuration

Once the planning phase is complete, the technicians move on to the actual installation and configuration of the WiFi APs. This involves:

  • Mounting the APs: Technicians install the APs in the predetermined locations, ensuring they are securely mounted and positioned for optimal coverage.
  • Connecting to Network Infrastructure: They connect the APs to the existing network infrastructure, including switches, routers, and cabling.
  • Power Supply Setup: Depending on the type of AP, they set up the power supply either through Power over Ethernet (PoE) or traditional power outlets.

Testing and Optimization

After installation, thorough testing and optimization are essential to ensure the WiFi network performs at its best. Our technicians conduct a series of tests, including:

  • Signal Strength and Coverage Testing: They measure the signal strength in various areas to ensure consistent coverage throughout the space.
  • Speed and Performance Testing: They perform speed tests to verify that the network meets the required performance standards.
  • Interference Testing: They identify and mitigate any sources of interference that could affect the network’s reliability.

Security Configuration

Ensuring the wireless network’s security is paramount, especially in commercial environments where sensitive data is transmitted. Our technicians implement robust security measures, including:

  • Setting Up Encryption: They configure the latest encryption standards, such as WPA3, to protect the network from unauthorized access.
  • Implementing Access Controls: They set up access controls to restrict network access to authorized devices only.
  • Regular Security Updates: They schedule regular updates and maintenance to keep the network security features up to date.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance

The installation of WiFi APs is just the beginning. Progressive Office Cabling provides ongoing support and maintenance to ensure the network operates efficiently. This includes:

  • Regular Performance Monitoring: Continuous monitoring of network performance to identify and resolve any issues promptly.
  • Firmware and Software Updates: Keeping the APs updated with the latest firmware and software to enhance performance and security.
  • Technical Support: Providing technical support to address any network-related concerns or issues that may arise.


The installation of WiFi Access Points in commercial spaces requires a combination of technical expertise, strategic planning, and ongoing support. At Progressive Office Cabling, our technicians are dedicated to providing top-notch services to businesses in Atlanta, ensuring that their wireless networks are robust, reliable, and secure. Whether setting up a new office or upgrading an existing network, our team is here to help you achieve seamless connectivity and superior performance.

For more information about our WiFi AP installation services or to schedule a consultation, contact Progressive Office Cabling today. Let us help you create a network that meets your business’s demands and keeps you connected in today’s fast-paced digital world.