I have been in IT Support since 1986. I got my first PC/XT back then and it was a very exciting time. But the last 10 years have been horrible. The industry used to be so exciting. We had to replace our computers about every 18 months because the software kept getting more demanding. The hardware would get faster and it was a back and forth process. But now, the industry is struggling to stay creative. There are lots of innovative hardware solutions. But Microsoft has killed most of the innovation on the desktop.
If you don’t believe me, I will give you an analogy. There is a parallel industry that is thriving. It is at the core of most of the high-tech innovation. It is the cell phone industry. Look at where it has gone in just the last 10 years. The enhancements are astounding! This is due to the fact that the cell phone industry is very diverse and VERY competitive. You have dozens of manufacturers, operating systems and carriers. No one company dominates the industry. Apple’s iPhone is the industry leader with dozens of competitors nipping at its heels. Is that a fair comparison? Are you excited about your PC?
Look at the PC industry. It is dead. Almost no innovation. Microsoft has killed off most of it’s competitors and stifled innovation. I have one more bit of proof that Microsoft is killing the PC industry. Answer this question… who is the number two Windows PC software manufacturer? Can you name any? I am willing to bet that Microsoft is 1,000 times bigger than the number 2 company, whoever they might be. Can any company in any industry make that claim and not be called a monopoly?
We need a COmmodore 64 type machine. Jack Tramiel really was a genius.
Look at his documentary on YouTube. The only reason Commodore failed was because a Liberal Professor from Berkeley took it over and didn’t do anything with it because he didn’t believe in business and thought all business is evil.
He ripped people off by making the Commodore Plus 4 *which we still have* and didn’t write any software for it and refused to refund stores that didn’t want to sell it.
The Commodore Plus 4 has one of the nicest keyboard layouts and feel I have ever seen actually.
Commodore 64 machines from the Jack Tramiel era were actually still popular in many Europe nations in the late 1990s.
A women from Germany actually tried to revive the Commodore calling it the Commodore One in the early 2000s but she just made it into a standard PC that’s actually dumbed down so it never took off.
Did I mention that the Commodore Plus 4 was not even backwards compatible. The Commodore 128 which Jack Tramiel did was at least backwards compatible with the C64 software library.