The Principles of Network Design – Part 3

The Principles of Network Design – Part 3

As discussed in Part 2, Top-Down Logic is used for the process of Preparation, Planning, Design, Implementation, Operation, and Optimization (PPDIOO). In addition, network designers must determine the Scope of Design prior to the collection of data and planning. Part...
Wireless Network is Bad for Business

Wireless Network is Bad for Business

If you are looking to just share the Internet or maybe grab an occasional document or spreadsheet, maybe it is fine. But if you are sharing a database like Quickbooks or a contact management database, I believe you are putting your company at risk of data corruption. ...
Data not centralized on a server

Data not centralized on a server

I had a sales call today and the potential client has a 5 workstation network. They have no dedicated server and their data is on all of the workstations in the My Documents directory. I was really shocked. They also had an external hard drive that was serving as a...