Seamless Communication from Anywhere with VOIP

Seamless Communication from Anywhere with VOIP

There is absolutely no doubt that portable forms of communication like cell phones have completely changed the way that businesses operate. A cell phone allows you to keep in contact with customers and coworkers from the road or from a hotel so you never miss an...
VOIP Keeps Up With the Speed of Business

VOIP Keeps Up With the Speed of Business

Business owners who have tried VOIP service in the past over a home internet connection may be skeptical about implementing the technology in their office.  It’s important to note though that there have been dramatic improvements made in VOIP over the course of the...
Microsoft has it backwards

Microsoft has it backwards

The myth that Microsoft has created is that the Windows operating system needs to keep getting bigger and more functional. With each new release the OS grows bigger with new applications, new graphic interface designs and new utilities. But if you take a look at the...
Demand Fair Cell Phone Pricing Policies

Demand Fair Cell Phone Pricing Policies

This happened to me. I had an employee and he had a cell phone. Even though I warned him that he had limited minutes, he abused the privilege and he started using the phone for HOURS every day. He racked up a huge cell phone bill that topped out at over $900 for one...