What is “Structured Cabling”?

What is “Structured Cabling”?

Structured cabling is a telecommunications cabling infrastructure consisting of a number of standardized smaller elements called subsystems. Structured cabling falls into five subsystems: A Demarcation point is the connection point where the telephone company network...
Determining Your Office Network Cabling Needs

Determining Your Office Network Cabling Needs

A faster office is a more productive office right?  That means, because you wish your computer equipment to operate at the speed of light, that Cat6 cable is the only way to go – or is it? Just because you are making upgrades to faster equipment office wide, it...
Computer Network Patch Panel

Computer Network Patch Panel

A patch panel is an in-line series of connections mounted onto a frame to enable network cables to be terminated in an orderly manner. Typically, the panel is the termination point of network cabling drops that are installed in a office or residential cabling...