Overview of Cable Management Practices – Part 1

Overview of Cable Management Practices – Part 1

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Although the last ten years have been trending toward wireless, the wired industry continues to grow. For security reasons, military, tech, government, and financial organizations forbid data transmission via wireless on premises....
Facts about Data Cable Testing

Facts about Data Cable Testing

Testing always plays a vital role in the process of installing new cables or servicing existing ones. Regular testers for data cabling include length, wire crimper map, attenuation, return loss, and DC loop resistance. Complex Cabling Needs Cabling infrastructure...
Continued Dominance of Structured Copper Cabling Systems

Continued Dominance of Structured Copper Cabling Systems

Copper cabling will remain dominant in the structured cabling systems industry. This conclusion is based on analysis and forecasts made by several cabling installation companies worldwide. Both copper and optic fiber cabling are used for key structured cabling systems...