Simplicity Reigns Supreme with VOIP

Simplicity Reigns Supreme with VOIP

We’ve talked a bit about just how much upgrading your current business phone system to a VOIP phone system can save you in terms of space and complexity of equipment. With voice over internet protocol there is no need for a large closet full of expensive equipment...
Crunch the Numbers by Switching to VOIP

Crunch the Numbers by Switching to VOIP

VOIP phone service may not be found in quite as many offices as traditional land line service but once small business owners examine the facts and figures that could very well change. VOIP offers small business owners all of the features that they couldn’t run their...
VOIP Keeps Up With the Speed of Business

VOIP Keeps Up With the Speed of Business

Business owners who have tried VOIP service in the past over a home internet connection may be skeptical about implementing the technology in their office.  It’s important to note though that there have been dramatic improvements made in VOIP over the course of the...
Change is Good with VOIP

Change is Good with VOIP

Some small business owners who are experiencing success are leery to make an upgrade to new technology for fear that the disruption may be damaging.  In the case of VOIP phone service though the convenience, reliability and potential savings make upgrading something...
VOIP Features Improve Employee Productivity

VOIP Features Improve Employee Productivity

If your business is still operating with traditional “land line” phone service you are missing a valuable opportunity to increase each employee’s productivity by increasing the ease of connection.  With your current system your two most often used forms of customer...