by progadmin | Jun 12, 2009 | Opinion, Solutions
This happened to me. I had an employee and he had a cell phone. Even though I warned him that he had limited minutes, he abused the privilege and he started using the phone for HOURS every day. He racked up a huge cell phone bill that topped out at over $900 for one...
by progadmin | Apr 20, 2009 | Opinion, Solutions
If you are looking to just share the Internet or maybe grab an occasional document or spreadsheet, maybe it is fine. But if you are sharing a database like Quickbooks or a contact management database, I believe you are putting your company at risk of data corruption. ...
by progadmin | Mar 31, 2009 | Microsoft, Opinion
I have been in IT Support since 1986. I got my first PC/XT back then and it was a very exciting time. But the last 10 years have been horrible. The industry used to be so exciting. We had to replace our computers about every 18 months because the software kept getting...
by progadmin | May 23, 2008 | Opinion, Solutions
Is it me? I hate Outlook. The interface is horrible. The application is under constant attack. Using it just plain scares me. I know that if I use Outlook that I am going to be way more vulnerable to a virus attack. So, about two years ago I stopped using Outlook. I...
by progadmin | Mar 24, 2008 | Opinion, Solutions
I discovered a product today that is truly remarkable. You may have already heard of Skype. You may be using it. Skype enables you to make free phone calls to other users of Skype and to make low-cost phone calls to other land lines. But now there is a VOIP (Voice...