by progadmin | Jul 3, 2009 | Cabling, Network Ideas, Opinion
The golden age of PCs was DOS. Why? Because the OS made it very easy to write quick, powerful programs. DOS was a simple single-tasking operating system. It was easy to program on DOS because their were a lot of vendors with competing compilers that made writing...
by progadmin | Jun 12, 2009 | Opinion, Solutions
This happened to me. I had an employee and he had a cell phone. Even though I warned him that he had limited minutes, he abused the privilege and he started using the phone for HOURS every day. He racked up a huge cell phone bill that topped out at over $900 for one...
by progadmin | Apr 27, 2009 | Solutions
Here at Progressive Office, we often are asked “What should I do with my old computer?” Your computer is dead. Or maybe it is just not good enough anymore. Well, first, what does “dead” mean. Dead means it won’t turn on or it won’t...
by progadmin | Apr 20, 2009 | Opinion, Solutions
If you are looking to just share the Internet or maybe grab an occasional document or spreadsheet, maybe it is fine. But if you are sharing a database like Quickbooks or a contact management database, I believe you are putting your company at risk of data corruption. ...
by progadmin | Apr 4, 2008 | Network Ideas, Solutions
Sometimes the best computer advice I can give is to develop proper procedures and to have everything documented properly. Well, I was looking for a legal document and I was prepared to have to go to a legal document website and pay for it if I had to. But then I came...