Microsoft is Ma Bell

Microsoft is Ma Bell

Remember the 60s? I do. We had a rotary phone and it made phone calls. Our number was Whitehall 6-4990. And it was an amazing device that allowed us to talk to our friends and family by simply spinning the dial for each number and waiting for someone to pick up the...
The Microsoft Effect

The Microsoft Effect

It began so well. Microsoft wrote DOS. They started small and they created an operating system for the IBM PC that opened up a new world for the common, everyday programmer. DOS was sometimes a bit tricky. I recall issues with getting printers and modems to work....
Windows 7 Was Not My Idea

Windows 7 Was Not My Idea

So, I bought a new Acer Aspire One Netbook for my wife and for home use. It is a terrific little machine. It comes with Windows 7, 1gb RAM, a 160gb hard drive, 3 USB ports, external video jack, 10″ LCD screen, 100mb ethernet, WiFi, cam and a microphone for only...

Firefox Browser – low-risk, high performance

I must preface this message by the admission that I am not a fan of Microsoft. Do a search for Microsoft on my site and you will see a few articles about my opinion of Microsoft as a business. I do not like Microsoft’s impact on the computer industry. And one of...