Seamless Communication from Anywhere with VOIP

Seamless Communication from Anywhere with VOIP

There is absolutely no doubt that portable forms of communication like cell phones have completely changed the way that businesses operate. A cell phone allows you to keep in contact with customers and coworkers from the road or from a hotel so you never miss an...
VOIP Creates Solutions to Common Problems

VOIP Creates Solutions to Common Problems

One of the biggest issues facing small businesses today is maintaining profitability in an economy that is still struggling.  It can be incredibly difficult to justify a price increase to customers who are struggling even when the cost of materials has gone up. This...
Saving Money by Switching to VOIP

Saving Money by Switching to VOIP

Your phone system is the most prominent line of communication you’ve got to your vendors and customers and, as such, it is an integral part of your business’ success.  If you want to keep the customers that you have worked hard to attract you need a completely...
VOIP Phone Issues to Consider Before Switching

VOIP Phone Issues to Consider Before Switching

I decided to research Voice Over IP (VOIP) phone for my business. It felt like the industry had reached a point where voice quality, features and price made it a smart choice. I was also very frustrated about my phone bill from Verizon. They were charging me for calls...
Microsoft has it backwards

Microsoft has it backwards

The myth that Microsoft has created is that the Windows operating system needs to keep getting bigger and more functional. With each new release the OS grows bigger with new applications, new graphic interface designs and new utilities. But if you take a look at the...