Windows 7 is Better… right

I have been watching the television advertising and also reading print ads and I have noticed an interesting phenomena. Microsoft is advertising that it’s new Windows 7 operating system is very very good. They are trotting out good reviews and smiling babies. I...

Why I like Mozilla’s Firefox as my browser

I used to use Microsoft Internet Explorer as my browser but I stopped a few years ago. I switched to Firefox because I had heard that it was a very good browser and it is free. The switch was painless because it transfered over all of my bookmarks and it is a very...
Split Up Microsoft

Split Up Microsoft

How has Microsoft has been able to eliminate so many of their competitors in so many of the most lucrative application areas? My theory is that they use their intimate knowledge of the operating system to create applications that nobody else can compete with. I...
Microsoft has it backwards

Microsoft has it backwards

The myth that Microsoft has created is that the Windows operating system needs to keep getting bigger and more functional. With each new release the OS grows bigger with new applications, new graphic interface designs and new utilities. But if you take a look at the...

Adding RAM to Your PC is Best Upgrade

Scenario: PC is 3 or more years old and still running well. You demand a lot from it. Sometimes you have 4 or more Windows applications open at a time. It feels a bit sluggish and takes too long to open a program. Solution: Add RAM. If you have less than 4gb of RAM,...